Gabika Marcinková

We met a few years ago and I really liked her from the start. When one hears about the profession of a ´fashion designer´ the prejudice about someone eccentric and extravagant comes to mind. Well, that did not happen. An elegant lady came and presented me her last, equally elegant collection, and that was it: If I need something beautiful and original, I always turn to Ida Sandor. 

Over the years, we have become quite good friends, I think. Not only because we each have a daughter called Ema. I admire her for her patience, stamina, her clean elegant models, passion for her work, and the success that, as with every hard-working person, comes in the end. When we prepare a model, she always comes with a clear vision that she is not afraid to give up or change anything about if it does not work with me the way we imagined. I like Ida Sandor. As a person, a friend, a good mother and an inspiring person with good taste and reason.